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Relational Coaching at Depth

Feeling stuck, confused, or scared is a gift. It's a signal from within that you are changing and needing something different from the world than you did before. And this is ok, it's allowed, and it's natural.

Yet what that new thing is may seem just out of grasp... sometimes we just can’t make it out. It’s often a sign we’ve likely already tried many things to move us forward, yet none of them worked the way we had hoped. And this is good news. We’ve reached the end of what-we-can-figure-out. And this is the jumping off place. The place from where you’ll discover new competency, new purpose, new fulfillment, new connection, new self expression - to match and support not the person you used to be, but the person you are today, the person you are becoming.

I've walked this journey myself, as well as with many others.  And the biggest thing I've learned is I don't have to walk this journey alone.  I’ll work with you as we explore together new ways of making sense of your world, new behaviors, beliefs, and actions that will create the life you’d prefer to be living.

You’ll experience improved relationships with others, both personal and professional. And most importantly, an improved and growing relationship with yourself.

The values I hold when working with another are first and foremost welcoming you just as you are, as is. I value revealing what’s here in the present moment, and trusting that there is deep wisdom in what arises between us in our session. And then approaching what arises with a sense of curiosity, exploration, and openness.


While deeply honoring what’s served you in the past, I’ll challenge assumptions you may be unaware that you’re holding, and share things I’m seeing that might be below your level of awareness. Coming from a place of compassion, respect, and commitment to connection and partnership in your growth in this life.

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Support That Makes a Difference

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Finding growth, connection, and vitality through life's challenges.

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Deeper contact, connection, and fulfillment.

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See what you think...


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Jamie Lynn Grant, Entrepreneur

Chris continues to help me peel away the layers that have kept me from loving myself just as I am, which has created the space for me to be so much more. with his guidance and support, I continue to feel more me, more free, and more clear about the unique gifts that I have to offer.


Chris Dentel, Lyft

Chris is a fantastic speaker - he has the ability to enthrall a diverse audience. He demonstrates his knowledge of his audience, and he clearly shares the message that he intends to deliver. His delivery demonstrates his empathy and understanding while projecting a calm confidence. I have seen him win-over the "hearts and minds" of rebellious stakeholders and busy leaders.

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Isabelle Tierney, LMFT / International Speaker

Chris creates a space for you that is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I feel seen, heard, understood, and unconditionally accepted. I leave our sessions feeling more clear, confident, inspired.   This has allowed me to let go of patterns that don’t serve me anymore and to concurrently step up into the best version of my Self.

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Jamie Lynn Grant, Entrepreneur

Chris continues to help me peel away the layers that have kept me from loving myself just as I am, which has created the space for me to be so much more. With his guidance and support, I continue to feel more me, more free, and more clear about the unique gifts that I have to offer.

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Douglas R, Attorney

As an attorney for the last twenty years, I have thought of myself as a professional communicator. Chris humbles me with a deeper appreciation of the greater possibilities of both connecting with others relationally and with ourselves. His has a remarkable ability to uncover the assumptions and beliefs often operating beneath the surface, shining a light on them, opening up paths to live with more authenticity and joy. I always leave our sessions feeling like one hour is not enough. I  cannot recommend Chris highly enough.

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Isabelle Tierney, LMFT / International Speaker

Chris creates a space for you that is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I feel seen, heard, understood, and unconditionally accepted. I leave our sessions feeling more clear, confident, inspired.   This has allowed me to let go of patterns that don’t serve me anymore and to concurrently step up into the best version of my Self.


©2024 by CGray LLC

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